Here is my post about graduation…. two months late! (typical me!)
It’s been a long journey, but I’ve finally done it! I hate to be cliché, but let me just say life’s full of ups and downs- and if you get discouraged, there’ll always be another opportunity around the corner!
I didn’t do great for my A levels, and going into a course I liked locally was near impossible due to how competitive the arts and humanities were at NUS/NTU. Psychology is pretty much an AAA/A requirement and Journalism an AAA/B or AAB/B.
I was convinced I was good at science and math then and was too stubborn and prideful to switch when my grades started slipping early on. Everything was easy until junior college, since I never felt the need to study for anything except the bare minimum at exams.
I actually did well enough to feel like this state of things was sufficient and got really complacent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so obviously I did badly for A levels because there are so many subjects, you shouldn’t be messing around with that.
Back then I was too lazy and too proud to admit I was struggling.
Now, if you tell me I’m shit at maths, I will happily agree and go along with it as if it is something worth being proud about lol!
I think I’m becoming self-aware wow wow ? I shouldn’t feel proud of it like I do with all my other bad habits- messiness, laziness, chronic procrastination- and it will come back to bite me in the butt again like it did at A levels, but I don’t bother with all the what-ifs.
I don’t think I would have done it differently given my indifferent attitude towards studying for subjects that didn’t come to me easily.
I made my bed and I must lie in it, and I honestly applaud anyone who works hard enough to pull themselves out of a rut and go against all the people who doubt them.
But anyhow- I got onto the University of Salford through my aunt’s recommendation, my extra-curricular activities, and writing portfolio.
It wasn’t a highly-ranked university by any means, but the teaching was excellent. The lecturers were passionate about the subjects they taught, seminars were never just about them talking to a silent room. I enjoyed myself greatly and for the first time in years, genuinely enjoyed learning/ acquiring more knowledge in the subject.
My future ambitions have also shifted a little during the course of my university degree- I no longer wish to pursue journalism, but I am nevertheless glad I had the opportunity to learn about the processes involved.
Some of my coursemates and the other pure Journalism students got the chance to experience what a newsroom situation was like, which I’m slightly envious about. Ah well. I guess it’s not meant to be.
I start my MA in English Literature and American Studies at the University of Manchester this September, an opportunity I never thought I would have; and I am immensely grateful for everyone who has encouraged me to broaden my horizons and make that leap to an overseas university.
I’ve never been an independent person at all, but this made me grow up very quickly in some ways: I had to learn to cook, clean (arguably a feat that yet escapes me), navigate unfamiliar territories and get out of my cushy comfort zone.
I’ve met some amazing people along the way- my housemates, coursemates, and random friends I’ve picked up through the university/ my travels- something I would never have got with a local education, not to the same degree of immersion.
I was never the most confident person and hated inane small talk but now I could probably talk about anything under the sun and conjure up enthusiasm about a subject I know nothing about.
I think of it as a necessary part of Adulting™.
I thought of it as being “fake” but as my friend pointed out: by taking interest in things that people you care about, care about- it makes it a sweet gesture *mindblown*
There are other ways in which my worldview has changed while at university, and others reinforced, but we shall not go into detail about that at this point.
This has been an embarrassingly retrospective post, but it feels nice to get all my thoughts out there.
Until next time xx
Congratulations on your graduation – now real fun starts ! xx
Thank you xx
Congratssssssss, i dropped out of uni after second year. Your experience sounds amazing. Good luck for the future
Thank you! I’m excited for my next term- I’m partly doing this in effort to delay the inevitable (work!!) tbh!
Congrats on graduating and good luck for starting your MA.!I have also just graduated from Manchester uni and I wish I was returning this September, I’m very jealous, it’s such an amazing city and university.
I just read your post about lessons you learnt at uni and I 100% agree with them all- I’ve been in Manchester for 3 years and it’s like a second home to me now. Hope you’ll be back! x
There’s a lot to be said for not choosing somewhere ‘local’ to study. Moving away opens up so many new opportunities –
at least that’s what I found. Congratulations on the graduation, and good luck with your masters!
I was an admittedly sheltered child, and uni has opened my eyes to so many things and given me amazing opportunities to grow and learn. Thank you for the well-wishes! I’m excited to start the new school year 🙂
Congrats! And well done for getting into your masters as well!
Thank you!! I’m excited to be back for another year x